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Sunday, November 27, 2011

Chapter 7. Nokia's Business Marketing

Nokia is the biggest cell phone manufacturer and not many of us know that its area of production is also engaged in converging Internet and communications industries. Nokia is dedicated to creating products not only for consumers but also for businesses, organizations and governments.  It will be easier to describe it on the example of Nokia's subsidiary the NSN (Nokia Siemens Networks).

Nokia Siemens Networks is a global data networking and telecommunications equipment company. It sells its network systems, business solutions, services and products to over 600 Communications Service Providers world wide. NSN's business customers can be divided by the industry in which they operate. Nokia Siemens Networks sells its products to mining conglomerates, railway companies, gas and oil producers, big enterprises and cable companies. Since telecommunications is not their primarily business all of these companies rely on Nokia which has experienced and professional engineers that support them with complete end-to-end ICT systems packages that meet the needs of the industry.

Governments are a big segment of Nokia's business market. NSN provides support of advanced telecommunications solutions for defense and security agencies. Among its products company offers public safety solutions, border security control systems and Ethernet. In August of 2011 NSN technologies were even certified for sales to the US government.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Chapter 8. Nokia Market Segmentation

Market Segmentation is a process of dividing a market into meaningful, relatively similar, and identifiable segments or groups. It helps the marketer to distinguish what marketing mix will be more appealing for a particular group of consumers. Segmentation approach helps in more effective strategic planning, because it helps utilize necessary resources and power in order to reach the ultimate sales. 

Nokia is one of the few global corporations that has been successfully practicing multisegment targeting. Nokia segment groups are separated by various number of variables. 
Geographic Segmentation. In terms of geography company is using regional approach to be able to appeal to the local population and gain their respect and trust. Nokia keeps opening its flagship stores all over the Asian and Middle Eastern rural regions to be able to bring their customers all the latest innovations and provide them with quality support services. 

Demographic Segmentation. Nokia has many mobile and smartphone devices to appeal to all the age categories (from kids to seniors), all income categories, different family cycles (singles and married couple households), people of different religions and occupations. Unlike Apple Nokia has a distinct recognition of women as a major target market. Almost every serie of phones comes in pink or gold color. Nokia Roxo was designed for women and young teenage girls. "Treat her like a lady" - a logo that stated that Nokia wants women to have their own phone and not just use a unisex device.

Psycographic Segmentation. Nokia products indulge the tastes of people of working class and corporate  CEO's. Different models of mobile devices appeal to customers with various lifestyles. For example, Nokia N79 was marketed as a sports phone thanks to a wireless heart monitor implemented from Polar. The wireless Polar Bluetooth WearLink heart rate belt helps monitor a heart rate along with a speed and distance while you are enjoying your jog. 

Benefit Segmentation. Most of the Nokia consumers have strong loyalty to the companies products because they are able to find the best quality for their money. Among benefits Nokia has to offer great power life, various number of applications for different needs and wants, durable and practical design. 

Because of the large number of consumers Nokia has to keep its target market excited with new releases. In such multisegment strategy cannibalization occurs very often. To slow this process Nokia is trying  launch new products by the region rather then globally. 

Various segmentation strategies made Nokia into a global phone manufacturer. Ability to meet the expectations of different buyers is the ultimate goal for the company.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Chapter 11. Developing New Products

Innovation is a key to success for a company that is involved in technology industry. New products are expected and often demanded by the consumers. How to indulge a public is a question to be answered by the Research and Development groups. These people dedicate most of their time collecting and analyzing data and creating new products to satisfy the consumers needs and wants. Investing in R&D is a ticket to new markets and opportunities for every company.

Nokia has 13 research centers worldwide, with 4 of them in the United States located in Berkley, Palo Alto, Hollywood and Cambridge. Each of the centers concentrates on different aspects of research. For instance, research centers in Bangalore and Nairobi are focused on the studying of the emerging target markets of India and Africa. On the other hand the Nokia RC in Cambridge UK develops nanotechnologies for mobile communications and ambient intelligence. The Hollywood RC runs research of social media, mixed reality experiences, user interaction models and the convergence of the Internet.

Nokia had entered the world of nanotechnology few years ago and recently we were introduced with a new concept of flexible, bendable phones. Nokia Morph and Nokia Human Form concept are sneak peeks of the future phones. They have flexible control features, charged from solar energy, super durable and versatile. Nokia Human Form concept represents a revolutionary device that is meant to erase the bar between humans and technology.

The new concepts are all about mobility in the new environment. Transition to the mass production of nano engineered phones is around the corner and Nokia seems to be on the right pass.

Nokia is dedicating a lot of time and effort in developing of new, better and more unique devices. Innovation is a necessary tool in today's highly comparative world of mobile devices.

Holiday Season for Nokia

The holiday season has begun. People are buying gifts for Christmas and New Years. Stores are putting out bright and festive decorations.

Even Nokia has something to offer its customers. A new release of Holiday Themes, Ringtones and Games from Nokia is available to the public. You can download them online, free of charge, because upcoming season is all about gifts. Nokia decided to show its appreciation to its current customers and bring the spirit of the holidays to their phones. Along with the themes you can also download season's greetings e-cards at my-meego.com, customize and send them to your family and friends.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Chapter 16. Nokia IMC

Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) - is a careful coordination of all promotional messages for a product or a service to assure the consistency of messages at every contact point where a company meets the consumer.

Lets talk about Nokia's latest product release in terms of IMC. Nokia Lumia was introduced to the world as a first Windows phone and a first of a kind result of the Nokia/Microsoft partnership. The pre-introduction stage started long before the new phone was launched. Right after the announcement of the partnership both companies used series of media conferences and press releases to engage into a communication about the new smartphone. Stephen Elopes interviews left everyone wondering since little to nothing was said about the particular features of the devise. The purpose was to keep the public wondering and the press to make educated assumptions about the future of the Nokia. The public relations move sure made everyone excited and created great expectations in hearts of many customers. 

On October 26th, 2011 the introduction of the Nokia Lumia finally unwrapped the mystery. The audience was informed about the details on the design, features and durability of a new phone. The next stage took its start - company launched the new adds, the blogs appeared on the web featuring Lumia 800 and now the phone is everywhere. All of the promotional messages cary the same idea - Nokia Lumia is easy, fast and fun to use and this principle applies to everything: business apps, office and mail, contact list, surfing the web, navigation tools etc.

"Conversations by Nokia" (http://conversations.nokia.com/) - is a website that was created this year to inform public of innovations and news in Nokia world. It is companies greatest marketing promotional and public relations tool. The potential consumer does not only read the posts, he or she is also encouraged to engage into a conversation with the staff. "We want to create stories you want to comment on and share with other people. We’re always listening to your ideas, opinions and, yes, any complaints. Keep the feedback coming. It helps us do things better" - quote of the website developers. And of course, the website features all the introductory videos of a new Windows 7 Phone (http://conversations.nokia.com/2011/11/04/nokia-lumia-800-video-review-round-up/). It has a user's diary that presents a more personalized look at the product.

Nokia Lumia is still at its introductory stage, the videos had hit the YouTube and you can already like its Facebook page powered by Wikipedia. So far it is a number one selling smartphone in France.